it was a lazy sat afternoon, i finally made up my mind to clear up my messy table, and while doing so, i found something..2 things actually..
first, in a old notebook i used to keep when i was in pri sch and lower sec..
inside i found some words scribbled in a very messy handwriting..i didn't know i can't write properly...
'Goh Junda, 12
TV, chess, enjoy freedom
love his right hand because it is
better than his left hand
like DHS shredded chicken rice
like to mak friend, girls the best
CO, CCA point
Forensic Scientist
死人 是变态,又
Green, green tee
rojah' took me some time to figure out what i wrote.. if i am not must be some orientation activity..ask u to make new friends and record down their particulars.. as for jd..he is really siao..since young..he is still siao now...
the 2nd thing i found was a letter..written by a childhood pal, 1 of the few friends i have in china..we were buddies before i came to sg.. we kept in touch at first but after moving house for a few times i lost his add and he didn't have mine we lost contact..
as i was reading the letter..i can't help burst out laughing... this is what it says..
Dear 华哥:(好难听)
hi, 很久没见了,其实我一早就知道你搬屋的,所以我blablablablabla...转入正题了,我有一件事和你是十分巧合的,就是我也搬新屋了,而且十分美丽, 比你那间还要 big, nice. 我睡在4楼,所以每次我下楼也十分辛苦,现在我回到新屋也只是把90%的时间去打电脑,特别最喜欢打NBA99,十分好玩,我最喜欢选‘明星’队,因为命中率较高。还有,我们学校的节目十分丰富,前几个星期,我们就去了珠海的珍珠乐园旅游,真过瘾,我还玩了过山车,十分刺激,就在离地几十米的‘天空’冲下来,离心力十分大,喘不过气来,再打几个关斗,就更加刺激了,我还进了鬼屋。虽然玩的时间不长,但前几天我们学校又举行了一个‘夏令营’活动,就在暑假里去的,去广州的黄埔军校,要去4天,我想我去了后回来一定整个身体就像散了一样。但交的钱也不少,你猜猜要交几钱,没错,就是:(5+10)x(10+4)/2x6-130 元,我想你一定会用计算机去计。我不妨告诉你我在学校当了‘数学科代表’,现在旧的以被老师革职了,现在那个旧的数学科代表成绩越来越差。那时我十分得开心,因为他被老师骂时的样子很好笑。我这样百忙来抽空来写行给你算是仁至义尽了,你以为我像阿允那样,信也不给一封,到了我读中3的时候就更没有时间了。还有我中断考试考得不好,至于成绩我就不公开了。现在写信十分提心吊胆,因为我是利用晚修时间来写的,一被老师抓到,就惨了,所以你应该看到这里会流泪,但照你的死性格一定会在笑的。我还有很多事向告诉你的,但时间太紧,等下封信吧。by the way, 我的english 又进步了,你说你有1.6米高,我也差不多了,但如果you taller than me, 我只能说 “读书艰苦嘛。” 记住多点回信,我知你十分free every day, so you must 多回信, 少废话。我说的话差不多了,我想这封信是我历史上写得最长的一封。还有,我在信封内还寄了一张闪卡和一张连环图,我也算老友了。Good Bye!
身体健康 学业进步 越来越靓仔
June 13th, 1999
haha..i can't help but notice that there are so many similarities between him and i.. our personalities.. can see from the way he writes.. that's why we were buddies.. and that time still play NBA99!!! and Dragonball Cards..hahaha.. OMG..those were the days..
it's sad that i lost all other letters he wrote to me after moving house for a few times.. i think this is the last one i received and the only one i have now.. can't find him when i was back to china..well perhaps i didn't really try to find him and the others from our child gang. well..i will try to find them the next time i go back. it's not difficult i already met 3 pri sch classmates when i was taking my driving lessons in china. we were under the same coach..ahaha. and according to them..some girls from our class already got married and have children now..woh.. haha..
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