Saturday, 4 April 2009

what happened this morning...
dad's phone rang...
i opened my eyes...
i asked myself.. 'eh..why so bright..why's there sunlight..weekend already?'
the next moment i was busy texting my classmates..ask them to inform my tutor that i will be late..and there was a class test today.. when i reached 1 hour later, i had to do it outside the class..argh.. that kinda disrupted my thoughts a little..can't get full mark liao..nvm..
oh and i had to take a cab to nus..morning peak rate+erp cost about 23 bucks from eunos to nus.. now i know..haha..but the driver was cute..he kept telling me about how much he hates taxi drivers.. and all the nasty things taxi drivers do.. but he's still in the job..that's the funny part..
sometimes i think what i study really contradicts my personality.. i am educated to analyse every situation thoroughly taking into consideration of every possible variable..but most of the time i follow my heart instead.. just do for the now..that's what i usually tell myself to do.. hm..maybe i should look at this from a different angle.. perhaps it's more of a balance than a contradiction..=)
i guess i don't care much about doing the right thing.. there is no 'the right thing' in the first place.. ok.. yes.. whenever i am faced with the question of 'to do or not to do?' i let the willful self take over..

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